Great story, Eleanor. I really enjoyed it. It really brings out the depth of the 'boys' relationship. If I was Veronica, though, I know which one I would have chosen!
Anita: January 2007
I enjoyed this story. It showed how much Heyes and Kid care for each other.
Guest: July 2007
Think about it, Heyes? or Curry? Tough choice Veronica had!
Guest: November 2007
Just read this for the second time, Eleanor. It was a wonderfully written and moving story, dealing with an impossible decision, and the pain it caused everyone. Well done!
CW: March 2008
You really know how to get at the core of the boys' relationship! Thanks for such a well-written and satisfying story!
Ghislaine: August 2009
! You definitely haven't lost your touch; it's a very compelling story, very well told.
DAR: August 2009
A powerfull emotional story exploring the nature and respones of heartbreaking circumstances. I am glad at the end the partners reforged their bond and will face the future together. Thank-you for posting this story and when you find the will and time I would love to read more from you.
nm131: August 2009
Wonderful, Eleanor, simply wonderful. Full of emotion. I think this is your best yet, I am so pleased you decided to post it.
Anita: August 2009
Good to see you writing again Eleanor. Such an emotionally charged story, up to your usual excellent standard.
Fran: August 2009
Another wonderfully written and full of emotions story from Eleanor! Thank you for posting and sharing with everyone this difficult story.
Penski: September 2009
I don't know how I missed this story when you originally posted it. I'm so glad to have the opportunity to read it now. Thanks for sharing it! Well done!
coyote: November 2009
I really enjoyed this story even though parts of it were so sad. I always prefer the stories with romance in them but unlike Anita I never could make up my mind which one I liked best.
vbfg: December 2010
Thank you Eleanor! Once again, your story of Heyes and Curry has touched this fan in very deeply! Great job!
Lori: April 2010
Deliciously angsty. Veronica certainly put them through it. Love the emotional wranglings. Can't wait to read the sequel.
Guest: October 2022