Welcome to my Alias Smith & Jones FanFiction collection.
As a fan of 'Alias Smith & Jones' since the series aired in 1971, I wrote fanfiction about the show long before I even knew what 'fanfiction' was. It was only after obtaining a home computer a few years ago and finding that there was a wealth of fanfiction on line that I apprehensively plucked up the courage to share some of my scribblings alongside the many other excellent authors out there.
There are lots of different types of fanfiction - romance, adventure, comedy, angst, hurt/comfort - and I found there is something to suit everyone's tastes. Whatever the style, fanfics keep our two hero's riding the trail, and pays homage to a much loved show.
*Some of my non-AS&J fiction can also be found in the ‘Stories’ section*
I hope you enjoy what you read here.
Feedback is always welcome. If you've enjoyed any stories you've read here please feel free to give feedback, either via the button at the foot of this page or at the end of each individual story.
**Please read the Privacy Policy/Terms of Use before accessing this site.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings etc. are the property of their respective owners.
Original characters and plots are the property of this author. This author is in no
way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media
franchise. No money is being made
from these works. No copyright
infringement is intended.
Site last updated: August 2024
©2016 by Eleanor Ward. Proudly created with Wix.com