Wow! A lot happens to the guys (in a relatively short period of time), and causes them to mature. I love the way they still ended up with each other after all that happened, and each learned something about himself and about his friend. Good story title. Nicely thought out!
Goldie: December 2017

Aww... Sad that they both loved and lost but, as the saying goes 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all'. Given their situation it would have been difficult to get a 'life partner' and both would probably not have even thought about it until/if they were free men again, so were caught out here, with each meeting someone that they might just have wanted to spend their lives with in different circumstances. Liked the way they both saw each other in a different light afterwards. Nicely written!
Guest: August 2020
Don't know how I missed reading this previously. What a sweet and poignant story, of love and loss, mixed in with a little trouble and adventure. Loved it! Well done!
Guest: May 2021