I always wondered how things turned out for Heyes and Curry. Considering the personality change Curry's character took on after Duel's death, this was very appropriate and, although sad, the depth of the characters was certainly brought back to life. The story was well worth care it was written with and definitely a good read.
Jaydee: June 2006

I loved this story! As usual, you took your time to allow the characters to grow and evolve and to explore the feelings and the relationships between them. The ending was gut wrenching! I’m still in a state of upset *days* after reading this! Good stuff. Thank you, Eleanor.
Francesca: June 2006
I was let to read this before it was posted, in bits and pieces here and there, and it still held my interest. I love our boys, but in real life LIFE happens. This is a story that tells about real life and how it takes a toll on people. Heyes and Curry come alive in this story of Retribution. Good Show Eleanor!
IrishRose: June 2006
I’m not sure if “enjoy” is quite the right word to use for this story, although I did, immensely. It was compelling reading, and I had to finish it even though, in places, it was almost too sad to continue. This story explores, how, given a particular set of circumstances, even the strongest person can be destroyed emotionally, particularly when guilt and self loathing come into play. The emotional wranglings were realistic and, although it shows a different side to the characters, is entirely believable, and highlights the enduring friendship and loyalty between them that made the series successful. The ending had me in tears. Thanks Eleanor. Look forward to seeing something else by you.
Anne: June 2006
Eleanor, I couldn't stop reading this story once I started, stayed awake far too long to finish it and felt like I'd lived through it all too. Very compelling reading and very well executed.
Jane: July 2006
Unable to put it down, I was so engrossed in the story and the feelings of the characters. It was so emotional, a story I will not forget for sometime.
Etta: August 2006
Eleanor, Thank you for your willingness to explore a very different side to Heyes, Curry and Lom. In my opinion, this is a story written to be "experienced" rather than "enjoyed". Definitely worth the read! I feel I have lived the emotions with all the characters! .......Just wanted to add to my previous review to make myself more clear. By "experiencing" this story, I meant that I felt it, lived it and was touched by it! It is bold and unique. The characters have gone to emotional places never explored in the series. Great Story!
coyote: March 2007
Eleanor - you know I loved this story and really respect you as a writer. I too couldn't put it down once I'd started. It was a riveting read – in fact I've re-read it a couple of times! You know and understand your characters inside out, enabling you to really pull on the emotions - theirs and ours. Thanks for an excellent read. X
Fran: April 2007
This is a wonderful story of friendship. How it is tested, but never failing. I couldn't stop reading. Very sad. I cried throughout. Looking forward to reading more of your stories.
Dee: August 2006
Once again, Eleanor Ward imbues her characters with a complexity and maturity far beyond what can usually be found in a genre. In this story, she displays a thorough understanding of Heyes and Curry as they were originally created, and then propels them along a path of development that keeps them true to their original incarnations even as they become so much more. This is by no means "light" fanfic, but it is an absolutely compelling read. I believe that if Peter Deuel had lived to be offered a script like this, it would have transformed "Alias Smith and Jones" into something in which he would have taken great pride. BRAVO!
jordar97: June 2007
I loved this story even though I'm now in tears. You really managed to create a sense of how both characters felt.
Sariya: March 2007
I enjoyed this story very much. It is very well written. Very real, much the way I would imagine life happening for Heyes and Curry.
Lightfoot: June 2007
I had an opportunity to read "Retribution" over the Christmas Holidays -- what an incredible read! You have a real talent of not only drawing your readers into your characters' internal conflicts within your story, but you also draw your readers into feeling their own internal conflicts and emotions. Your story moved me while I was reading it, and it stayed with me for days after. It is an unforgettable story.
LindaD: December 2007
Thanks for such a heart rending story. It reduced me to tears on more than 1 occasion. I think it takes guts to take the characters on such a sad journey and, yet, make it so compelling. Thank you Eleanor for sharing this special story, I'm sure it means a lot to you and must have taken some courage to share it with others. Many thanks.
A. Wilson: October 2008
Wow,...it was very heavy and, at times, painful to read - but that just added to the suspense of the story and made it so interesting! Poor Heyes went through so much agony, didn't he? The hurt/ comfort emotions between Heyes and Curry was so well written. And the last chapter was so touching and heartfelt - after Heyes and Lom had died and Kid had to go on his own...very good story! You have merited another 'thumbs up' from me with this one!
bkntym: March 2009
Have you studied Psychology, because you have a highly developed sense of what makes a person tick. It is an interesting interpretation of what you think makes Heyes who he is. I enjoyed it, even though it was dark. I saw Heyes throughout this story without his smile or twinkle in his eye, and that was unnerving. Well done! I look forward to your next story.
skybluesal: October 2007
Nice kick to the stomach.
jo: January 2008
Eleanor, What a sad, sad story. Very aptly titled though. It is a good example of how anger and guilt and the need for vengance can eat away at a person and ultimately destroy them. Well written and true to real life, the way things can go, but still very sad.
Keays: January 2012
Been years since I last read this, and loved it again! You are the master of up-and-down emotion. And, that being said, the emotions are still somehow believable. I can see these things happening to these characters as well as the reactions you suggest artistically. I happen to know the story behind your writing this piece, and it has stood the test of time. Bravo!
Goldie: July 2017
Its been years since I read this story but it always stayed with me, and reading it again now it's just as compelling as when I first read it. Gritty, emotional, gut wrenchingly sad in places, yet totally believable. One of my all time favorite fanfics!
Anne: July 2021
Wow. What can I say. Such a tragic story and yet so compelling to read. I couldn’t put it down and despite the length I was so absorbed the time passed in a flash. It felt so real and I cried along with each of them in various parts. A real pull on the emotions. As another reviewer commented, if this had been offered as a script for AS&J I think Peter would have been proud to portray it. This is a story I won’t forget in a hurry. Thank you for posting it.
Guest: May 2022
Oh.my.God. I had to wait at hour after reading this to comment. I cried all the way through it. I mean blathering tears of absolute despair and sadness lady. I couldn't tell if I was grieving for Heyes or Pete. At several points I wasn't sure I could get through reading it. It's so descriptive and raw. I got your grief with every word. Now I need to find some happy fanfic! Thank you so much for this story. Every word, every description is perfect.
Carol Michel: January 2025
Oh this was a hard read. Well written though. So sad. Sniff. Good story.
Rachel74: January 2025