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Eleanor, Thank God for writers like you. You keep the flame burning. I'm reading your current story with a few chapters to go, and wanted you to know how much I am enjoying reading it. Some day, if I can come up with enough imagination, I'd like to try my hand at writing something about the "Boys". Thanks for your time. God Bless You.

Vicky: November 2005


Wow, what a ride.  It only took me five hours to read. That's some serious h/c/a.  Poor Heyes, I was so relieved  that he finally pulled through to have a happy life.  I was hoping for a serious sex scene in the end and had to content myself knowing it's G site. Thanks for sharing that great fic.  I already want to reread it, but not tonight.

Snickers: October 2005


I just read your story, No Regrets, from beginning to end in one sitting. It was marvelous! Probably the best hurt/comfort story I have ever read. For me, the thing that set it part from any other is the follow through; the way you took the time to continue the story with patience and care rather than resolving the matter quickly. I was near tears when I finished reading; so happy for Heyes and so sad for Kid. It was so good! I hope you'll write more. Thank you so much! 

Francesca: October 2005


Well, I finally got all the way through it!  Taking it a bit at a time makes it feel like a real-time process...well, almost!

I liked the play between Heyes and Curry.  You could almost see their playfulness in the good times and the darker, more menacing moods in the rougher times.  As I've noted before from other writers, we seem to like to hitch our boys up with those Celtic lasses.  It seems we think our boys would be attracted to their sort, even after Molly Cusak!!

Thanks for sharing your talents,

Melanie/IrishRose: November 2005


Eleanor, I love your writing style. I love the depth and realism you bring to your characters. My favorite of your stories is "No Regrets" I was hooked on it from the first chapter because I thought, 'now this is a writer who's not afraid to write'.

Guest: October 2006


I just wanted to tell you I just finished your story. I am a big fan of hurt/comfort and this was full of it, poor Heyes (what a cutie) you put him through Hell and I loved it!!!!!! Great Story!!!

Cheryl: November 2005 


I'm totally emotionally drained! Spent the weekend reading 'No Regrets' on the other site. Don't think I could have taken any more upset! Thanks - really enjoyed it although my husband was a little disturbed by the amount of time I was on the computer. Think he felt a little neglected ! Looking forward to the other stories. Thanks again

Fran: October, 2006


This was a wonderful story and a very touching ending.  Thank you for writing it.  You are very talented and I hope to read more in the future.

Etta: November 2006


A rollercoaster of emotions - you wouldn't expect anything less from Eleanor. A really absorbing read.

Guest: June 2007


This is a great testimony to the power of friendship and the bonds that can't be broken. It reaches beyond most expectations and teaches us a new lesson for life. Very well done.

Caroline: June 2007


Truly brilliant. Totally exhausted, emotionally, after reading it. Eleanor you should be proud, well written and a true understanding or "the boys" friendship/relationship. Well done.

Guest: November 2007


A truly moving and powerful story. The bond between the boys and that between the boys and Lom is wonderful described. I found myself crying without even knowing it as I traveled along through this story. Thank you so much for such a tremendous read.

Cattle Annie: July 2010


I read this story several years ago and enjoyed it tremendously. It was so well done that it instantly became one of my favorites. I was heartbroken when the web site it was on developed a virus and I lost it. I am overjoyed to have found it again along with your other stories. Thank you so much for your dedication to Heyes and Curry and in posting your stories for all to enjoy as I do.

suekern: August 2016


I read this story years ago, I don't remember where. It was just as much as an emotional rollercoaster as I remembered.

Nell McKeon: September 2021


I read this story years ago on WWOMB and was disappointed when it disappeared from there.  Glad to see it back on here.  Enjoyed it just as much this time as the last time I read it.  Cleverly edited, I couldn't tell what got cut out. It still makes the point that 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'.

Anne: November 2020


Well I certainly don’t have any regrets for reading this story again. Wonderfully written and very emotional. I cried and smiled in equal measure I think. You brought out all the facets of their characters so well - pride, jealousy, stubbornness, humour, but mostly their love for each other which triumphed in the end.

Helen: March, 2022

What an emotional roller coaster...there were tears, laughter, fear, terror, hope, determination--you covered it all and blended it together into one fine story! Smooth and easy to follow. Enjoyed all the ups and downs, all the reminiscing, all the great lines. Loved the story, and kudos to you!

EmberRose23: February 2025


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