This is a very entertaining, well-written romance that does not talk down to the reader. The characters are more fully developed than what can usually be found in this genre, and make the reader genuinely care about what happens to them and how their lives will turn out. I understand that this story was rejected by a popular romance publisher, and I can see why: it is far superior to the usual fare. Well done, Eleanor!
Jordar97: June 2007

As you know, I read this story, in paper format, long before there was such a thing as "internet fiction". Loved it then, and still do now. It's good to see it out there for other people to enjoy.
Joan: July 2007
Having read your other stories I was interested as to how you would handle other characters, Eleanor. You have proved yourself to be an accomplished writer. Your understanding and development of the characters throughout the story makes for compelling reading. Congratulations!
Lana Coombe: June 2007
I've read your fanfiction stories but had no idea you'd written an original fic too! This is a very enjoyable and believable romance story that was compelling to read. I was invested in the characters and really wanted to know how it all turned out. The ending was perfect. Loved it!
Julie: August 2021
A nice example of a fantasy-come-true romance story. Poor Leanne had to wait so many years for it, though. I would certainly like real life to be just like this.
goldieasj: November 2020