How lucky I am to be able to be the first to comment on this new story! I liked it! I liked how the basic idea was so true to their personalities and the method in which it was displayed was so fresh and interesting! Don't think I have ever seen them in this kind of setting before, so brava! Keep 'em coming!
goldieasj: October 2020

Lucky Ella, capturing Kid's heart! Heyes, teasing him about it but still supporting him. Partners as always. This is a good old-fashioned western story, well executed. Enjoyed it very much.
Guest: May 2021
I enjoyed this. It was reminiscent of the old Western movies, where the wagon train would get ambushed on it's travels. Glad Noah got his due in the end. The boys certainly proved themselves to be Good Samaritans on this trip. I wouldn't have minded being in Ella's shoes!! Good story.
Guest: October 2020