Great story that kept me at the edge of my seat, Eleanor! Very angsty - just how I love them!
Penski: September 2020
A really good gritty story. A great read.
gemhenry: September 2020
I enjoyed your story, it's always a good story when the partnership is clear. You captured Heyes and Curry very well.
Linda Adkisson: September 2020
Eleanor’s back in the saddle again! Yay! This was a very dark story, dark like many of the scenarios the poor guys encounter. I felt so sorry for Heyes, and somehow it was particularly gratifying to imagine him hitting his attacker rather than shooting him. Lots of symbolism there. And thanks for including Harry Briscoe in the story; we just don’t see enough of him, and the mere mention of his name was enough to lighten the mood and give the reader a chance to catch her breath. The whole idea behind this story was very clever. I particularly liked how it ended, with a Hannibal Heyes spur-of-the-moment plan that worked out just like he wanted! Thank you for writing it and welcome back!
goldieasj: September 2020
I really enjoyed this. I could feel Heyes' anguish, as he waited to see if Mary would condemn him or not. Love it when his character gets all silently resentful and brooding :) You always manage to capture that dark edge to Heyes that was rarely displayed openly in the show but which (I at least) always sensed was lurking, just under the surface, ready to burst out (like in the scene in the saloon with Bilson in Smiler with a Gun.) Please write more!
Guest: October 2020
This is an emotional story all around. When Heyes was being beaten for something he didn't do, would never do, we could feel his confusion and then rage at this happening to him. But for me it was Curry's anguish at not being able to help Heyes, to stop what was happening right in front of him, which caused me the most emotion. To watch someone you care for be unjustly beaten so badly and with the promise of worse to come, had to be agonizing for him. You brought out both their emotional upheaval beautifully throughout this story. Loved it.
Pamela Corsa: December 2021
Very gritty, and dark. Just how I like them. I was gripped, wondering how it would work out. Nice to see Curry getting the chance to make the plans, since it's usually Heyes that does the planning. Heyes felt kind of vulnerable, to me, in this story, like a leaf blown around in the wind, with no control over proceedings, with Curry doing his best to resolve things for his partner. A very emotive read.
Leah: December 2020