This is very sad, I would have liked to have the two of them buried together.
Guest: January 2011
Very well-written and very, very chilling.
Guest: January 2011
Almost too sad for words, but this is pretty much how I would envision the End of the Line for them.
Guest: January 2011.
Very sad, and also very realistic. It's what they call "suicide by police." Guilt is a powerful emotion.
Guest: January 2011
The Kid was right - he was the only thing keeping Heyes alive all of those years.
Guest: April 2011
Very powerful and, yes, very sad. You made it completely believable. Excellent story but I hope this doesn't mean this is the end of you writing ASJ fanfiction.
Ghislaine: January 2011
Its great to read a new story,even though its a sad one.Thank you.
Guest: January 2011
Wow... E I don't know what to think about that...very well written, as always it held my attention and I love the way you describe surroundings and feelings. However, I kept expecting the Kid to show up and for them to ride off into the sunset together, or for it to have just been a bad dream. No matter the ending, you are a fantastic writer.
Ramblingirl: January 2011
Excellent and as usual a well written story. It was poignant, heartbreaking and believable, although I have to agree what made it even more so was that they ended up alone for eternity.
nm131: January 2011
Absolutely lovely! The descriptions of the landscapes complemented the story itself perfectly - lonely and sad but compelling. The story line was right on track. Thanks for taking the time to write.
Goldie: January 2011
Amongst all the sadness, you had beautiful descriptions of Leadville and nature. The Eagles song was perfect for this story and I loved the eagle at the end. Very realistic!
Penski: January 2011
What a terribly poignant story. It's too bad they couldn't have "gone down" together; I think they both would have preferred it that way. They weren't whole, unless together.
Guest: January 2011
Very gripping story, Eleanor. It rang true throughout. I believe this is the way Heyes would have wanted it under those circumstances. Thank you for posting it. Great job as always!
Leann: January 2011
Another very well done story... very hard to read because it was so sad to see the boys separated in such a harsh way but realistic. Thanks.
Cattle Annie: January 2011
Oh my gosh, this is so incredibly sad. But SO well-written. A wonderful, terrible tragedy.
Katie: January 2011
OMG, this story was great, so compelling. I kept waiting for a happy ending, like so many turn out to be. It was so sad, but very good reading. Thanks.
Guest: January 2011
Great story! Thank you for sharing!
Trish: January 2011
Well written story, as always, from this writer. The descriptions of the landscapes as Heyes made his painful journey were truly wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Anitaw: January 2011
I honestly think that your writing has reached a whole new level. Some of the images you describe - like the water of the lake glinting thru the trees, and Lom and Heyes riding in and out of clearings and squinting each time they emerge from the woods - are just so "real" that the reader can see thru the eyes of the characters. The description in this story is absolutely pitch-perfect.
jordar97: January 2011
Okay, you made me cry. That is hard to do. This story was really special. It was sad enough when the Kid was dying and sent Heyes off, but the ending was something unexpected, yet in a way so perfect. Really well written, really thought provoking. Well done!
Pamela Corsa: January 2021
I read this story years ago and it left a lasting impression. With the 50th anniversary of Pete Duel's death fast approaching, I had a sudden compulsion to read it again. It's a tragic tale but beautifully executed. The ending of this story is just how I imagine Heyes behaving after all that had happened. If this had been written as the 'final' episode of AS&J I think Duel would have immersed himself in it and enjoyed doing it, since he had a liking for heavy drama. Wonderful story.
Guest: August 2021