![Endgame [R]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e2cd8f_65a3eef101334bf0a941c79840e38167~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_253,h_131,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Endgame%20%5BR%5D.png)
sniff...sniff... Beautifully written, Eleanor. I'm glad both died together since the survivor wouldn't have an easy time.
Penski: December 2021
That was very sad, but beautifully written. I could visualise the beautiful scenery and feel their anxiousness about what might happen. The ending was a bit of a surprise, as it appeared to be just Kid who was hurt, but was probably a better outcome since neither would have fared well without the other. A memorable story. I hope you come back to writing before too long.
Anne: December 2021
Eleanor, I have just read this story (I think for the third time!) and I see more in it each time I read it. It's truly sad but there is somehow a positive tone in knowing that they are together. The scenery, their surroundings, even their sparse verbal communication are all quite beautiful. This story is a very special endgame.
goldieasj: December 2021
So very sad but very compelling. How honorable, and typical, of Heyes to pass up his own chance for survival to be with his friend at the end. Tragic, but I loved it. I heard you were stepping away from writing. I hope for not too long!
Guest: January 2021
This was really sad. Really well written and brought tears to my eyes.
GemHenry: January 2022
I read your story with a growing lump in my throat.... I wouldn't have expected less of you. I'm glad you decided to find a mutual ending, without one of them being left behind alone. Your story left a sad as well as content feeling in me. There couldn't have been a better way for them to leave this earth. It had to happen one day. The beauty of nature runs like a red thread through your story and is in contrast to the more darkening, threatening plot. Human beings are transient - nature remains. The seriousness of their situation is emphasized with the inevitable discussion of killing - how far would they go in order to escape capture or death? I like your description of Heyes' apprehension. It's like a bad premonition. And it is so comprehensible the moment their lives are endangered, they talk about things they know at the bottom of their hearts will never come true. Great characterization of Heyes at the end. I only hope you won't shut the door behind you for the rest of your life. As Heyes would say, "There's always a plan B." Perhaps, one day, they will find a backdoor to appear again.
Dan Ker [abridged]: January 2022
I just this morning came across this story. A sad but also a beautiful and moving story. A very plausible end to their lives. Together in death as in life. Accepting of their fates, and always more concerned for the other. A very touching story.
Kathleen E Knudsen: January 2022
I loved it. You know all the time really from the tv show - if you were old enough - but you knew that the most likely end for our guys was they'd get shot. Even with Amnesty. People would want them dead, communication was sketchy, people might very well not know about amnesty or even what it meant. $20,000 is a lot of money. In this sad, but inevitable story, we get a pretty accurate though poignant and ultimately most likely end, they die the way they lived. Heyes being the big brother who'd do anything for his kid brother. They'd have grown up as cousins in a wild and war torn country. They'd probably hardly ever spent more than a week or so apart all their lives. Heyes lied for the man he loved like a brother, using that silver tongue on one last lie. In the end, they become part of the land they loved so much, and yes, when Heyes died, he'd have strolled up to the kid, who'd have the cigar in one hand, whisky glass in the other saying "Well you sure took your time!"
Lizzie: January 2022
Beautifully written, as always. I'm writing this with tears in my eyes. This story was a plausible, given Heyes and Curry's lives and characters. Very emotional with the beauty of nature and of close friendship running throughout the story. Heyes end was unexpected but somehow fitting. The partners were two halves of the same soul and neither would feel complete without the other. Spending an eternity in such a beautiful place together even though tragic is a fitting end. Now to go find some tissues.
Nell McKeon: March 2022
Beautifully written - I could feel the breeze and see the scenery as clearly as if I was there. Together for ever. I hope you come back to writing soon.
Helen: March 2022
That was hard to read. Such a shock that Heyes had been shot also, never considered it. Beautifully written. So emotional but never really said out loud, you could just feel it so deeply.
ingin6: May 2022
Very well written and thoughtful story. It's so easy to imagine this sort of ending considering their lifestyle, and the love for each other. I'm glad neither of them had to leave alone.
Shade_Nightwalker: January 2024