Introspective stories are always the best, and yours are the cream of the crop! In few words, you are able to tell us what Heyes was feeling, almost as if he were telling us himself. Would I have felt the same way as him? Absolutely. This is because you fill your characters with lots of depth. His pain is believable and I took that journey with him. I will keep reading!
Goldie: August 2016.

I never wrote outside the understood time line of the TV show. You did a great job showing us a younger Curry and Heyes and a possible beginning to their outlaw days together. I particularly liked you making the Kid a different but equal partner to Heyes. It took the two to make the show. Well done again.
Pamela corsa: December 2020
Really enjoyed this! I could imagine how Kid would be uncertain whether or not to reconnect with Heyes because of the way they'd parted, but then his instincts to protect him kicking in to override his hesitation. Very nice.
Guest: August 2020